Why Can't I Feel Love In A Relationship

Why Can’t I Feel Love In A Relationship

By lovepercentagecalculator

Emotions play a pivotal role in the intricate dance of relationships, with love often taking centre stage. However, there are instances when one may question, “Why can’t I feel love in a relationship?” This puzzling sentiment can cast a shadow on the connection we share with our partners, prompting a deeper exploration into the complexities of our emotional landscape.

Navigating the intricacies of love requires introspection, and in this journey, it’s crucial to recognize that everyone experiences and expresses emotions differently. The inability to feel love may stem from various factors, including past experiences, personal struggles, or unmet emotional needs.

This blog post will delve into the common reasons behind the challenge of feeling love in a relationship, offering insights and guidance for those seeking a more profound connection. Additionally, we have a valuable tool – the “Love Calculator” – to add a touch of fun and introspection to your exploration of emotions. Let’s embark on this journey together, unravelling the layers contributing to the intricate tapestry of love and emotions.

Eight Reasons Why You May Feel Challenged To Fall In Love

In a relationship, open communication is the lifeline that fosters connection and understanding between partners. However, it can be a concerning sign when your partner suddenly stops sharing their thoughts. This shift in behaviour may indicate underlying issues that need attention. Understanding the reasons behind this change is crucial for nurturing a healthy and thriving relationship.

Signs Your Partner Has Stopped Sharing Their Thoughts:

1. Silence Becomes the Norm:

Your partner has become noticeably quiet, and meaningful conversations have dwindled.

2. Lack of Emotional Expression:

Emotions that were once freely shared are now hidden, making gauging their feelings challenging.

3. Avoidance of Topics:

Your partner actively avoids discussing specific topics or becomes evasive when you try to engage in meaningful conversations.

4. Limited Personal Sharing:

There’s a significant reduction in sharing personal experiences, dreams, or concerns, creating a sense of emotional distance.

5. Changes in Body Language:

Non-verbal cues like body language and eye contact may suggest discomfort or a desire to avoid deeper conversations.

Understanding and addressing these signs can help restore open communication and strengthen the emotional bond in your relationship.

Your partner has stopped sharing their thoughts.

In the symphony of a thriving relationship, open communication acts as the harmonious melody that binds hearts and minds. However, a sudden shift in your partner’s willingness to share their thoughts is akin to a pause in this beautiful composition. The silence can be perplexing, raising questions about the reasons behind this newfound reticence. Understanding the signs and addressing why your partner has stopped sharing their thoughts is crucial for preserving the resonance of your connection. Let’s explore the standard indicators and simple ways to navigate this silent interlude, fostering an environment where communication can flourish again.

Signs Your Partner Has Stopped Sharing Their Thoughts:

1. Unexplained Silence:

Your partner exhibits a noticeable reduction in verbal communication, creating an atmosphere of silence.

2. Emotional Restraint:

Previously expressed emotions and feelings are now guarded, making it challenging to grasp their inner world.

3. Avoidance of Certain Topics:

Your partner actively sidesteps discussions on specific subjects, introducing a barrier to open dialogue.

4. Limited Personal Sharing:

Personal sharing, whether joys or concerns, becomes infrequent, contributing to emotional distance.

5. Altered Body Language:

Non-verbal cues like body language may signal discomfort or a desire to avoid engaging in deeper conversations.

Understanding these signs empowers you to revive open communication, fortifying the emotional core of your relationship.

You don’t feel loved anymore because they lied.

Discovering that your partner has lied can cast a shadow over the once vibrant tapestry of love and trust. When you no longer feel loved due to their deception, the emotional landscape undergoes a seismic shift. Lying erodes the foundation of trust, leaving behind fragments of doubt and disappointment. Realizing that honesty has been compromised can breed a sense of isolation as the emotional sanctuary you once shared becomes tainted.

The impact goes beyond the mere act of lying; it extends to the profound breach of the implicit agreement that love is nurtured in an environment of transparency. The hurt may stem not just from the lie itself but from questioning the authenticity of the emotional connection. As the echoes of deception reverberate, rebuilding becomes a daunting task.

To navigate this challenging terrain, honest and open communication is paramount. Both partners must engage in a dialogue where feelings, concerns, and the reasons behind the deception can be laid bare. This process demands vulnerability and a commitment to rebuilding trust, acknowledging that healing takes time. While the scars of betrayal may linger, the journey toward rediscovering love involves a shared commitment to transparency, understanding, and the arduous but essential work of rebuilding a foundation that can withstand the tests of truth and time.

You don’t feel loved because your partner’s behaviour has changed.

When your partner’s behaviour changes, it can cast a shadow of uncertainty over the emotional landscape. The once-familiar patterns of love and connection may feel elusive, leaving you grappling with the unsettling notion that something has changed. It’s not merely about a shift in routines but a more profound transformation that affects the core of your emotional connection.

The reasons for this change can be as diverse as the complexities of human emotions. It may stem from external stressors, internal struggles, or evolving personal dynamics. The challenge lies in deciphering the unspoken language of altered behaviour and understanding its roots. It requires a delicate dance of empathy and communication.

Approaching your partner with curiosity rather than accusation can open a pathway to understanding. Initiate a conversation where feelings and concerns are shared openly, creating a safe space for vulnerability. Unravelling the mystery of changed behaviour demands patience, active listening, and a commitment to navigating the twists and turns together. While it may be a journey fraught with uncertainties, it also offers an opportunity for growth, deeper connection, and the resilience needed to weather the storms that life inevitably brings.

Understanding a Changed Partner’s Behavior: Navigating the Emotional Shift

  1. Observation: Notice subtle or significant changes in your partner’s actions, communication, or emotional expression.
  2. Initiate Open Conversation: Foster an environment where both partners feel safe to express concerns and feelings without judgment.
  3. Empathetic Approach: Instead of accusing, seek to understand the potential stressors, challenges, or personal struggles your partner may be facing.
  4. Active Listening: Actively listen to your partner’s perspective, allowing them to share their feelings and experiences.
  5. Patience and Curiosity: Approach the situation patiently, maintaining a sense of curiosity about the factors contributing to the changed behaviour.
  6. Joint Problem-Solving: Collaborate on finding solutions or coping mechanisms to address the challenges both of you may be experiencing.
  7. Professional Support: If necessary, consider seeking the assistance of a relationship counsellor or therapist to navigate complex emotions and facilitate communication.

Remember, addressing a partner’s changed behaviour requires a balanced mix of sensitivity, empathy, and open communication.

Your opinion is not considered

Feeling unheard or having your opinion dismissed within a relationship can be emotionally challenging. It creates a sense of invalidation and can lead to frustration or a diminishing sense of self-worth. If you find that your opinions are consistently overlooked, it’s crucial to address the issue through open and honest communication with your partner. Share your feelings and concerns, emphasizing the importance of mutual respect and consideration in a healthy relationship. Encourage a dialogue where both partners feel comfortable expressing their viewpoints.

Expressing the impact of feeling disregarded is essential, as it can contribute to emotional distance and dissatisfaction. Seek to understand your partner’s perspective as well, fostering an environment of reciprocal consideration. Healthy relationships thrive on effective communication and the valuing of each other’s opinions. If the pattern persists, consider seeking professional guidance to explore underlying issues and develop strategies for improving communication. Remember, your feelings and opinions are valid, and a supportive and understanding partner should acknowledge and consider them within the dynamics of the relationship.

You may not feel loved if they stop introducing you to their friends

When your partner stops introducing you to their friends, it can create feelings of exclusion and a sense of being sidelined within the relationship. Introductions to friends are often considered a significant step in a relationship, symbolizing a willingness to integrate you into their social circle. If this practice diminishes, it may indicate a shift in priorities or a reluctance to deepen the connection.

It’s important to address this issue with open communication. Express your feelings and concerns to your partner, emphasizing the importance of feeling included and valued in their life. Seek to understand the reasons behind the change, as there may be external factors or misunderstandings that can be addressed together.

Maintaining a healthy relationship involves mutual integration into each other’s lives, including social spheres. If your partner’s reluctance persists and negatively impacts your sense of connection, consider discussing the broader implications for the relationship and whether there are underlying issues that need to be addressed.

Ultimately, feeling valued and included in various aspects of your partner’s life contributes to a sense of love and commitment within the relationship. Open dialogue and understanding can help navigate these challenges and strengthen the bond between you and your partner.

1. Ensure you are happy with yourself 

Before casting doubt on your partner’s love, it’s crucial to introspect and ask yourself if you truly love and appreciate yourself. Often, feelings of being unloved can stem from a lack of self-confidence or past negative experiences. Many individuals, including myself, have found themselves questioning their partner’s love based on factors like delayed responses or overthinking trivial matters.

Reflecting on personal experiences, I’ve come to realize that constant worrying and overthinking can adversely impact relationships. It’s essential to shift focus from negative aspects to the positive elements that make the relationship special. Celebrating the goodness in your connection, as relationship expert Joie suggests, involves acknowledging and appreciating the positive aspects.

To combat feelings of being unloved, Joie advises sharing the joy of your relationship with others and actively participating in activities that create lasting memories. Engaging in frequent dates and celebrations contributes to the reinforcement of love and happiness within the relationship.

In essence, ensuring your own happiness becomes a foundational step toward building a loving and fulfilling relationship. By embracing positivity, celebrating the relationship’s strengths, and creating shared memories, you pave the way for a stronger and more resilient connection with your partner.

2. Form new relationship traditions 

When the initial euphoria of Shaniqua’s relationship with Doug waned, and the haunting thought of “I don’t feel loved” emerged, she decided it was time to take action. Recognizing that her boyfriend, Doug, was somewhat reserved, Shaniqua initiated a proactive approach to reignite the flame in their connection.

Faced with dwindling date nights and intimacy, Shaniqua understood the importance of breaking the monotony. Instead of dwelling on her feelings of being unloved, she introduced new relationship traditions. Movie nights, reminiscent of their early days, became a regular occurrence. Surprisingly, this simple change sparked renewed intimacy and eventually led to an increase in their outings.

Shaniqua’s experience emphasizes the significance of empathy and gratitude in relationships. Actively listening to a partner’s concerns, especially when emotions are heightened, allows for more constructive communication. Implementing acts of service without expecting reciprocation and openly discussing expectations contribute to a healthier dynamic.

In essence, forming new relationship traditions and embracing practices rooted in empathy and gratitude can serve as effective tools to address feelings of being unloved. Shaniqua’s proactive approach not only revitalized her relationship but also highlighted the transformative power of intentional actions in fostering love and connection.

3. Tell your partner “I don’t feel loved”

Sometimes, the most direct approach can yield swift and unexpected results in addressing feelings of being unloved. Instead of silently nursing these emotions, expressing them openly to your partner can serve as a catalyst for meaningful conversations. Relationship expert Joie emphasizes the importance of straightforward communication, stating that it is perfectly acceptable to tell your partner, “I don’t feel loved.”

Once you’ve communicated this sentiment, Joie suggests allowing your partner some time to process and, if needed, adjust their behaviour. Simultaneously, it is crucial to articulate your needs and expectations, providing clarity on what makes you feel unloved.

Before initiating this conversation, it’s beneficial to reflect on the root of your insecurity. If your partner’s behaviour has changed or they’ve stopped sharing aspects of their life with you, Joie advises addressing this directly. Engaging in a dialogue about the importance of shared experiences and maintaining realistic expectations in a relationship can help bridge gaps, fostering a healthier and more connected partnership. After all, in a thriving relationship, open communication and shared lives contribute to a deeper sense of attachment and security.

4. Take a break if you don’t feel loved in a relationship

Taking a break in a relationship doesn’t always signify a negative turn; instead, it can be viewed as a constructive phase for self-introspection. Mileena, a martial arts trainer, and her boyfriend, Salim, a banker, approached their relationship break with a positive mindset, using it as an opportunity to assess and reset their dynamics.

Mileena shared, “It was time for a break in our relationship. We took a conscious decision to understand what was going wrong.” Identifying and addressing specific habits that caused discomfort allowed them to recalibrate their relationship. For instance, Salim expressed dissatisfaction with Mileena discussing their relationship extensively with friends, leading to misconceptions about his place in her life. By pinpointing these issues, they opened avenues for improvement.

Benefits of taking a break include the potential for increased appreciation when apart, rediscovery of individual identities, dedicated time to address personal issues, and clarity on the future of the relationship. This hiatus can be a valuable tool for gaining perspective and making informed decisions about the relationship’s direction.

Remember, a break isn’t necessarily a breakup but rather an intentional pause for both partners to reassess, understand, and work on the aspects that contribute to a healthier, more fulfilling connection.

5. Get a counsellor’s help if you don’t feel loved

When the sentiment of not feeling loved permeates a relationship, seeking the assistance of a counsellor can be a transformative step. Klause, a friend in the midst of marital discord, shared his struggle with me. Despite outward appearances of success and compatibility, Klause felt a void in his relationship with his busy wife, Tinah.

Expressing his concerns directly to Tinah proved challenging, as she perceived their relationship differently. In such situations, approaching a counsellor can provide a neutral and constructive space for both partners to articulate their feelings and navigate the complexities of their emotions.

In Klause’s case, the mere act of acknowledging the need for external support marked a significant stride. Counsellors possess the expertise to unravel intricate emotions, facilitating open communication and fostering a deeper understanding between partners. Even a single counselling session can initiate positive changes by offering valuable insights and tailored exercises.

Bonobology’s team of experts stands ready to provide guidance, offering a supportive environment to address relationship concerns. Professional intervention can unveil untapped reservoirs of understanding and reignite the flame of connection, guiding couples toward a more fulfilling and harmonious relationship.

10 Ways To Feel More Loved By Yourself

In the journey of life, rediscovering the love for oneself is a transformative experience that radiates positively into all aspects, including relationships. Nurturing self-love becomes pivotal in avoiding the pervasive feeling of not being loved. Here are some foolproof ways to rekindle the flame of self-love:

1. Be Kind to Yourself: A Compassionate Start

In the grand tapestry of life, it’s crucial to be gentle with yourself. Joie emphasizes the importance of understanding that societal standards can be harsh, often imposing unrealistic expectations. The initial stride toward self-love involves acknowledging the challenges faced and reframing them as valuable life lessons.

In simpler terms, don’t let the world’s pressures dictate your sense of peace. Embrace the idea that the journey, with all its ups and downs, has sculpted you into a resilient individual. Strive not for society’s elusive perfection but set standards that align with your uniqueness. Grant yourself the freedom to liberate from external expectations – a truly human act that paves the way for authentic self-discovery and self-love.

2. Resist the Temptation of Comparison: Guard Your Joy

In the intricate dance of life, resist the urge to measure your journey against others’, be it in personal or professional realms. As Joie wisely notes, comparison acts as a silent thief, stealthily pilfering the joy within. Even in the warm embrace of love, the allure of contentment can wane when juxtaposed against seemingly idyllic relationships on social media.

Avoid the pitfall of envy that arises from contrasting your journey with others. The more you succumb to this trap, the harder it becomes to appreciate the richness of your own experiences. Gratitude thrives when nurtured in a soil free from the invasive roots of envy. By refraining from comparisons, you gift yourself the chance to revel in the authenticity of your unique path and bask in the love that surrounds you.

3. Treat yourself to nice things 

Why wait for someone else to pamper you when you can create moments of joy for yourself? Whether it’s a solitary candlelit dinner, a shopping spree for one, or relishing a slice of cake in blissful solitude, embrace these gestures of self-indulgence. These aren’t just fleeting distractions; they’re powerful catalysts for mental satisfaction.

Splurging on yourself, whether financially or through simple pleasures, is an investment in your well-being. There’s no remorse in spending on the things that bring you happiness. These acts of self-care may seem small, but they carry profound significance in cultivating a sense of personal care and nourishment. Remember, before expecting care from others, shower it generously upon yourself.

4. Take a break from social media

Constantly scrolling through social media feeds can take a toll on your mental well-being. Numerous studies have highlighted the link between social media use and symptoms of depression. The endless comparison, curated perfection, and information overload contribute to a sense of inadequacy.

Consider a temporary break or reduce your social media consumption. Allocate the time saved to engage in activities that genuinely uplift your spirits. Rediscover the joy of being present in your own life, free from the pressures of virtual comparison. Your mental health will thank you for the digital detox.

5. Revisit old hobbies or develop a new one

Reconnect with the things that ignite joy within you. Whether it’s picking up an old hobby or exploring a new one, engaging in activities you’re passionate about is a powerful way to cultivate self-love. Whether it’s the rhythmic click of knitting needles, the soothing strokes of a paintbrush, or the aromatic embrace of a freshly baked treat, find activities that resonate with your soul.

Consider journaling to express your thoughts, delving into immersive books, practising gratitude through volunteering, or embracing the serenity of meditation. These endeavours not only enrich your personal time but also contribute to building a stronger, more loving relationship with yourself.

6. Cultivate Sexual Satisfaction: Prioritize Your Pleasure

Open communication about your desires with your partner can enhance intimacy and satisfaction in your relationship. Discuss preferences and introduce elements like sex toys or role play to spice up your shared experiences. When your partner isn’t present, explore self-pleasure to deepen your understanding of your own desires and preferences.

Navigating the ebb and flow of a relationship is a common challenge, often prompting feelings of being unloved. Taking proactive steps to address concerns and actively participating in enhancing your sexual satisfaction can contribute positively to the overall health of your relationship. As you embark on this journey, even small progress can significantly uplift your emotional well-being.

7. Embrace Positive Affirmations: Build Inner Confidence

Reinforce self-love by practising positive affirmations. Cultivate a habit of acknowledging your strengths and accomplishments. Remind yourself daily of your worth, capabilities, and the unique qualities that make you exceptional. Embracing positive affirmations nurtures inner confidence and helps counteract negative thoughts that may contribute to feelings of being unloved.

In professional terms, recognizing and reinforcing your self-worth through positive affirmations forms a constructive approach to building resilience against self-doubt and fostering a more confident self-image. This proactive step contributes to a healthier mindset and can positively impact your perception of self-love within the context of your relationship.

8. Establish Healthy Boundaries: Prioritize Self-Care

Setting clear and healthy boundaries is crucial for self-love within a relationship. Identify your needs, communicate them openly with your partner, and establish boundaries that prioritize your well-being. This involves recognizing when to say no, expressing your limits, and ensuring that your emotional and physical space is respected. Establishing healthy boundaries is an act of self-care that reinforces your commitment to self-love.

From a professional perspective, the skill of setting and maintaining boundaries is vital for cultivating a balanced and fulfilling life. It demonstrates a proactive approach to self-care and contributes to maintaining a harmonious and respectful relationship dynamic. This aspect of self-love involves advocating for your needs and ensuring that your personal space is safeguarded, fostering a sense of security and emotional well-being.

9. Seek Professional Support: Guidance for Personal Growth

If feelings of being unloved persist, seeking the assistance of a mental health professional can offer valuable insights and guidance. Professional therapy provides a confidential space to explore personal challenges, gain self-awareness, and develop coping strategies. A trained therapist can offer tools for navigating relationship dynamics, fostering personal growth, and enhancing overall well-being.

In professional terms, seeking therapy is akin to investing in personal and relational development. It reflects a commitment to self-improvement and resilience, addressing challenges with the guidance of an expert. This proactive step underscores the importance of mental health and contributes to building a foundation of self-love within the context of a relationship.

10. Cultivate a Supportive Social Circle: Surround Yourself with Positivity

Build a network of supportive friends and family who uplift and encourage you. Cultivating positive connections outside your romantic relationship provides additional sources of emotional support. These relationships contribute to a sense of belonging and reinforce your value beyond the dynamics of your romantic partnership. Surrounding yourself with positivity enhances your overall well-being and strengthens the foundation of self-love.

Professionally, building a supportive social circle aligns with the principles of networking and relationship-building. In the context of self-love, it signifies a holistic approach to well-being by acknowledging the importance of diverse connections. This step fosters resilience, providing emotional sustenance from multiple avenues and contributing to a more robust sense of self-worth within the context of your relationship.


The inability to feel love in a relationship can be a complex and challenging experience, often rooted in various factors. Recognizing and addressing this issue is a significant step toward personal growth and relational harmony. By delving into the reasons behind this emotional disconnect, individuals can gain valuable insights into their needs, expectations, and areas for improvement.

Communicating openly with your partner is crucial, as is expressing your feelings and concerns while actively listening to their perspective. Seeking professional guidance, such as couples therapy or individual counselling, can provide invaluable support in navigating these complexities. Remember, self-love is the foundation upon which a healthy relationship is built. Prioritise self-care, establish healthy boundaries, and actively engage in activities that bring joy and fulfilment.

Building self-awareness and fostering personal growth are continuous processes that contribute to individual well-being and the strength of the relationship. Embracing self-love involves acknowledging your worth, setting realistic expectations, and cultivating a positive mindset. Ultimately, by addressing the root causes of feeling unloved, individuals can embark on a journey toward a more fulfilling and love-infused relationship.


Why am I unable to feel love?

Various factors, including past experiences, personal insecurities, or changes in the relationship dynamics, can influence the inability to feel love. Exploring these aspects with self-reflection or professional help can provide insights.

Is it normal to not feel in love anymore?

It’s not uncommon for feelings in a relationship to evolve. Relationships go through phases, and assessing whether it’s a temporary dip or a deeper issue that needs attention is essential.

Is it OK to not feel love in a relationship?

Addressing and communicating the lack of love in a relationship is crucial. Seeking solutions together, such as counselling or rekindling activities, can help navigate these feelings.

Is it normal to lose feelings in a relationship?

It’s normal for feelings to fluctuate, but consistent feelings of detachment may indicate underlying issues. Understanding the reasons behind the emotional shift is vital to finding resolutions.

Why do I suddenly feel like I don’t love my boyfriend?

External stressors or internal conflicts may trigger sudden changes in feelings. Open communication with your partner and self-reflection can assist in understanding and addressing these changes.

Should you break up if you lose feelings?

Assessing the reasons behind the loss of feelings is crucial. If efforts to reconnect and communicate fail, it might be worth considering whether the relationship is still fulfilling for both partners.

Will a relationship last without love?

Long-term relationships benefit from love, but other factors like commitment, communication, and shared values also play vital roles. It’s essential to evaluate the overall health of the relationship.

How do I know I’ve lost feelings?

Signs of lost feelings may include emotional distance, decreased intimacy, or a lack of excitement. Reflecting on your emotions and discussing them with your partner can provide clarity.

How do you know I’m not in love?

Noticing a lack of emotional connection, diminished joy in shared activities, or a general disinterest in your partner may indicate a shift from being in love.

How do I feel love again?

Rediscovering love involves self-reflection, open communication with your partner, and actively engaging in activities that reignite emotional connection and intimacy.

Why can’t I feel love or happiness?

Emotional numbness may be linked to various factors, including mental health. Seeking professional assistance, such as therapy, can help explore and address these concerns.

Why can’t I feel or express love?

Difficulty expressing love may stem from personal barriers. Working on self-awareness and understanding the source of these challenges can aid in fostering emotional expression.

What is a relationship without romance called?

A relationship without romance might be termed a companionship or a platonic relationship, where emotional connection exists without romantic or intimate elements.

Why did I stop falling in love?

Identifying the reasons behind a halted ability to fall in love requires introspection. Past traumas, fear of vulnerability, or relationship patterns may contribute.

Should I leave if I don’t love him?

The decision to leave should be based on a comprehensive relationship assessment. If efforts to reconnect and communicate fail, it may be worth considering if the relationship aligns with both partners’ needs and happiness.

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